Sunday - 02.02.2014

Behind me lies an interesting week.


It started out with the news that one of the greatest chains of book stores has temporarily closed their doors to reorganise (Polare). This chain was created out of two chains that were on the verge off bankruptcy, they merged to share the expenses. Now they've been in trouble for the past two weeks before this one. Halfway through the week I discovered that the chain is for sale.
I think it will be horrible if they would disappear. It's great to browse through books on shelves, in stead of in web shops, where you cannot feel them.
As the week progressed all kinds of people had all kinds of opinions. Most said, that even if they would go bankrupt, the stores themselve would probably survive, as we cannot manage without them. That's a kind of relief.
Latest news is that the problems are allmost solved, so there's hope yet. We'll see.. nothing I can do about it anyway...


Last week I mentioned I would finish my first chapter that day, but I only managed the first real scene on Tuesday...
After that I didn't do much. I have to do some things for non writing related stuff, and that's eating all my time.
Coming week I have some more time, as the new sememster is barely starting. I'm hoping to get some plotting and writing done. I put 10.000 words at the end of Februari as my goal - that should be easily done as I've done 1029 words allready and I know I can make it in a week. I do however like to know what I'm writing about, so I gotta do some plotting.


I'm still reading 'The Wild Road', but I'm nearly finished. Guess I'll be reading HP after that.


Have a nice day all!