Sudden inspiration

I've given up on reaching that 10000 word mark for the time being. I've had a pretty busy time at uni.I had to give a presentation last friday and as you could imagine that has kept me pretty busy.
Non the less, when I least expected it, I got inspiration for a new story. I'm not going to tell you though.


I've forced myself to go to sleep ontime, and allowed myself to read a little before bed. I've finally finished reading HP4, and I'm currently reading Stardust, by Neil Gaiman. I have rewarded myself with a weekend of reading, and I bought a new book, which also made me very happy :)


Next week will also be quite busy, which means I have once again little time to write. However, I will try to get some new inspiration on my short story. I'm planning on submitting it at a contest due before july, so I do still have a while, though it never hurts to start on time - as all my years in study have told me.


Have a great weekend, and I'll see you next week!