Stardust book vs. movie

Stardust - Neil Gaiman

First of all this is not a review (it's great if you really want to know), it's about some differences between the book and the movie which bugged me. DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT SPOILERS. well... that's out of the way


By the way, I'm writing this from the perspective of someone who's seen the movie so many times, and recently read the book for the first time.


So first thing I noticed where the little details. How the wall was guarded by two guards (in stead of one) that actually changed shifts, about how the market at the wall was a recurring event that happens every 9 years. But these details don't really bother me. Some freedom should be allowed in a movie.

I was highly disappointed when I discovered that cpt. Shakespeare was added in the movie (or altered from another captain.) He was one of my favourite characters :) )

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Most of all I was pleasantly surprised how some other things were handled in the book, and annoyed when I remember them in the movie.

The most annoying change the movie made was to Victoria's character. The movie made her out to be kind of a gold-digger who would go for 'the biggest fish'. In the book, Tristan is just a very annoying boy who won't take no for an answer. She tells him she would do anything he wanted because she didn't think he actually would go or succeed. But she mostly did so, to get rid of him, because he was very annoying to her. I find her real (book) character better then the one they made in the movie.

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I really enjoyed the book, and I will also enjoy the movie if I'll see it again.